If you own and operate a motor vehicle in the Lonestar State, you have to carry car insurance. You know that, and so do advertisers. That’s why you see so many ads for lower rates, better coverage and so on every time you turn on the television or scroll through social media. Of course, as Texans, we tend to believe bigger is better, but do you really want to trust a big, national chain with your personal auto insurance? Why not call on Texas-owned agency instead?
At Texas Insurance Agency, we partner with several top insurers to help our fellow Texans get great auto coverage. We work for you rather than for some big conglomerate, so you can trust us to help you make good coverage decisions.
In the state of Texas, drivers are legally required to carry certain minimum liability coverage. This includes a minimum of $25,000 in property liability as well as $60,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per accident.
Unfortunately, in the average car crash, medical payments along can easily rise over $70,000. If you are responsible for an accident involving a new luxury vehicle or structural damage to a building, property damages can reach $100,000 or more.
At Texas Insurance Agency, we offer higher liability limits even for drivers who only require liability coverage on an older vehicle. These higher limits are often much less than you would expect, and with better coverage, you can protect yourself from heavy financial losses or even bankruptcy.
At Texas Insurance Agency we offer a full menu of auto insurance products in addition to liability coverage. These include
When it comes to insurance, we know you have a lot of options. Take a moment right now to contact us. We look forward to helping you find affordable solutions that meet your auto insurance needs.